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International Relations


In Lisbon Polytechnic internationalization is an institutional imperative and a powerful instrument of reflection and continuous improvement in the performance and definition of its own identity priority action lines 

Internationalization is a strategic hub in the development of Lisbon Polytechnic, potentiating existing partnerships and looking for new forms of international collaboration.

With a view to the implementation and consolidation of IPL's internationalization strategy, the Office of International Relations and Academic Mobility (GRIMA) ensures in an integrated way, with all its organizational units, the coordination and development of international cooperation activities (GRIMA competencies) .

The mobility of students, faculty, and employees in the framework of the ERASMUS + program (3) has grown in recent years.

Today, it is possible to organize an international mobility experience choosing from between about 500 partner institutions.


Priority action lines

  • A new perspective and international action strategy of the Lisbon Polytechnic and its organic units;
  • Greater international visibility;
  • Strategic options with guided proposal mechanisms;
  • Effective resource sharing by centralizing common procedures, normalizing and verifying them;
  • Regulation for the International Mobility of IPL, including the detailing of procedures and all legal conditions imposed by the European Charter;
  • A Manual of Good Practices with clear lines of action on more concrete aspects such as the system of academic recognition or the accumulation of credits in periods of mobility;
  • Strengthening the internationalization of research & development activities, in synergy with the Office of Special Projects and Investigation (GPEI);
  • Strengthening participation in networks and projects which promote employability (consortiums and strategic partnerships with companies and other organizations);
  • Strengthening mobility in Europe, and widening of borders to third countries, notably  Countries of the Portuguese-speaking Communities (CPLP);
  • Researching lines of financing whicht guarantee the sustainability of the strategy;
  • Investment in thematic networks and consortia such as U!REKA.