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Erasmus +


The Erasmus Programme allows students of Higher Education to be able to have an international experience valued at the academic and scientific level, but also on a personal level, for its linguistic and cultural enrichment. This intellectual growth enables the acquisition of new working methods and increases the level of student employability by broadening horizons, developing entrepreneurial spirit and building initiative capacity.

Students participating in the Erasmus+ Programme can attend periods of study while mobile in an institution with which there is an Erasmus bilateral agreement, with a minimum duration of 3 months and maximum of 12 months

Lisbon Polytechnic celebrates a contract with all participating students in the Erasmus + mobility program. The contract includes all the mandatory minimum requirements for the granting of an Erasmus mobility period.

All changes to the initial situation, specifically a correction of the scholarship amount, the early return or extension of the student's stay, a change in the dates of realization of the mobility or a change of host institution, must appear in an addendum to the contract. All rights and obligations as an Erasmus student are set out in the Erasmus Student Charter, which will be handed over to the student before leaving for their period of study abroad.


OPEM Lisboa Scholarships Programme

IPL intends to implement a Scholarship Program for European Youth who intend to participate in exchange activities and the development of their skills, contributing for a high-level qualification according the new European labour market reality as well exchange of experiences among the Institutions.

The OPEM LISBOA Grants Program covers incoming scholars under the ERASMUS+ program who wan't to apply:

Incoming scholars: foreigner students, recent graduates and researchers, who are at IPL to attend a mobility period for studies, internship, or to participate in research
projects at Schools of Polytechnic of Lisbon or at associated partners in public and private sectors.




The Polytechnic of Lisbon has a limited number of vacancies in the Maria Beatriz Residential Unit, so it is not possible to offer accommodation to all incoming Erasmus + students.

Located in the Rua Councilor Emicide Navarro, on the Campus of the Superior Institute of Engineering of Lisbon, in Lisbon, the Maria Beatriz Residential Unit contains 200 beds in double and individual rooms. It has inclusive infrastructure for the disabled, kitchens, laundry rooms, recreation rooms and study rooms, telephone, fax, computer media, internet access, photocopying facilties and automatic vending machines (food and hot drinks).

Students wishing to receive more information about the Maria Beatriz Residential Unit should contact the IPL Office for International Relations and Academic Mobility.



Grima - International Mobility Office
+351 210 464 760