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Banner CLiC-IPL

Centre for Languages and Culture


The Centre for Languages and Culture of Lisbon Polytechnic, CLiC-IPL, is a unit of the IPL, unincorporate, of pedagogical, cultural, scientific, and service-providing support, in specific areas.

Recognizing the importance that language learning plays in this global world, the CLiC-IPL h mission is to organize language courses, complementarity to the IPL courses, and the promotion of diverse cultural activities, whether for the IPL community, or for other audiences.

It is intended that the CLiC is a meeting space between people, languages and cultures, which can contribute to the growth of all, from a multilingual and multicultural perspetive.



Portuguese as a Foreign Language Regular Courses

The courses in Portuguese as Foreign Language (PLE) offered at CLiC are taught in 60-hour modules, with classes twice a week, a total weekly load of 5 hours. 

Levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference-QECR:

  • A1 (60 hours)
  • A2 (60 hours)
  • B1 (60 hours)
  • B2 (60 hours)
  • C1 (60 hours)


Portuguese as a Foreign Language Intensive Course

The course is 4 hours/day, for 2 weeks.
Levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference-QECR:

  • A1 (40 hours) during 2 weeks)

These courses are free for Erasmus Students studying at Lisbon Polytechnic.


Fees and Enrolment

Enrollment fee* 10 €
Semestral courses
IPL Community 150 €
Exterior Community to IPL 250 €
Intensive Courses
IPL Community 75 €
Exterior Community to IPL 150 €

*Incoming Students – no fee






Portal of Candidacies



Director: Antónia Estrela
Secretary: Margarida Saraiva e Maria João Martins