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exposição Arquimedes da Silva Santos

From June 2 to July 2 will be patent the exhibition "Archimedes da Silva Santos: where goes my voice ", in the Arts Space of the Polytechnic of Lisbon, in Benfica. It is a set of thematic panels that show significant aspements of the life and work of Archimedes da Silva Santos (1921-2019), poet, doctor and psychopedagogue, considered a pioneer of Portuguese neorrealism and precursor of Education by Art in Portugal. The inauguration runs June 2 at 17h00.

Arquimedes da Silva Santos

The Politecnico of Lisbon associates itself with the centenary celebrations of this unique figure of culture, defender of teaching and artistic formation, linked to the teaching of the arts and teaching of these at the Polytechnic of Lisbon. Archimedes da Silva Santos was a coordinating professor at the Higher School of Dance, where he held up to the reform in 1991, having exercised other posts and been responsible for the creation of the Education branch aimed at the formation of Dance teachers.  

With curatorship of Luísa Duarte Santos (daughter of the honoree), Miguel Falcão (lecturer of the Superior School of Education of Lisbon) and  Vanda Nascimento (teacher of the Higher School of Dance), and design of Cátia Rijo (ESELX docent), the exhibition has been conceived and     prepared to be itinerant in different institutions and contexts of the country in some way connected to the honoree pathway.


On the day of its centenary, June 18, the Polytechnic of Lisbon attributes the Archimedes da Silva Santos, to posthumous title, to Medal of Silver of Emeritus and Merit by Services Present to IPL, First Class.


" Where does my voice go? ... ", is the third exhibition, of eight planned by  Paulo Morais Alexandre, pro-president for the Arts of the IPL, responsible for the dynamisation of the cultural space situated in the services of the chairmanship of the Politecnico of Lisbon, in Benfica.

Polytechnic of Lisbon  for the promotion of the Arts, the  Space Arts-Polytechnic of Lisbon, has been a great bet of the institution, in the dissemination of cultural, artistic and scientific activities of diverse natures, namely exhibitions, conferences, colloquia, concerts, film projections and other presentations that arise in the academic community.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sans-serif; font-weight: normal; "> gratuitous and open to the general public, from Monday to Friday from 10h to 12h and from 14h to 19h. The timing and inauguration of the exhibition has followed the guidelines set by the Government and Health Authorities with regard to combating Covid-19, as has been happening in the previous exhibitions.




Text by AR/GCI-IPL