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Entrance Requirements


All international students who do not have Portuguese nationality can apply for the Graduate, Masters (2nd Cycle) and Postgraduate courses, through the International Student Statute.


Graduate courses/Bachelor’s degree

  • Be in possession of a Portuguese secondary school diploma or,
  • Be in possession of a legally equivalent qualification or diploma equivalent to Portuguese secondary education or,
  • Be the holder of a qualification which gives access to higher education in the country of origin.



Diplomas/qualifications required:

  • A degree or legal equivalent or,
  • A foreign higher academic degree, awarded following a course of study organized in accordance with the principles of Bologna by a State adhering to this Process or,
  • A foreign higher academic degree recognized as meeting the objectives of a graduate degree by the statutory competent scientific body of the higher education institution where he or she intends to be admitted, or,
  • Be the holder of a school, scientific or professional qualification, recognized as certifying capacity for realization of the course of studies by the statutory competent scientific body of the higher education institution where he or she intends to be admitted.



  • Have a specific academic qualification in the areas of knowledge required for the course of studies to which you apply;
  • Have a B2 level of knowledge of the Portuguese language or other language in which the teaching will be delivered;
  • Satisfy the prerequisites set for the course of studies concerned, in the framework of the access and admission scheme in higher education.


Proof of Entrance Requirements

  • If you are the holder of a Portuguese secondary school qualification, you have to gain entrance by taking national final secondary school exams;
  • Students with non-Portuguese qualifications legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education may apply to take the Portuguese entrance exams. These are held in Portugal or in a Portuguese school abroad, and the candidate must register under the same conditions and statutory deadlines, regularly emitted by the General Directorate of Higher Education (DGES) of the Portuguese Government.
  • The entrance exams may be replaced by final examinations in other courses, if they have national scope and correspond to the homologous subjects of the entrance exams. (Subjects considered homologous are those which, though titled differently, are at an identical level with identical objectives and similar content to the entrance exams they are intended to replace.
  • Proof of entrance qualifications may still be replaced by examinations drawn up by the organic units on subjects tested in the national entrance exam, when this is deemed necessary by the candidate selection panel;
  • The grades of national entrance exams and foreign exams are valid in the year of their completion and in the two years following. Only grades equal or superior to the minimum requirement for the institution may be used as proof.



They are conditions of a physical, functional or vocational nature that assume particular relevance for access to certain courses of the Polytechnic of Lisbon. It is incumbent upon each organic unit to decide whether applying for any of its courses should be subject to the satisfaction of prerequisites and set its contents.

In the cases of the courses in the area of the performative arts of Dance and Music, the admission of the candidates to the contest starts with a preselection.

More information


Language Skills

Attendance on any of the graduate and master’s courses at the Lisbon Polytechnic require a certain level of knowledge of the Portuguese language (level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

International applicants whose level of Portuguese or other language in which the course is taught, is only equivalent to B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), may apply for entrance, provided that they commit to attending a Portuguese language course, or any other language in which the course is taught, confirmation of enrollment being dependent on attaining B2 level in that language.

If the candidate’s mother tongue is Portuguese and as a condition of entrance has a Portuguese secondary school diploma or legally equivalent qualification to this in Portuguese, they are exempt from demonstrating knowledge of the language.

CLiC IPL - The Centre for Language and Culture in the Lisbon Polytechnic organizes Portuguese Language courses in two modalities: an intensive course to be undertaken before the start of the semester or attendance on a normal course during the semester requiring a payment fee.