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CLiC assinala Dia da Língua Portuguesa

On the days 4, 5 and May 6, the CLiC IPL, in articulation with various Schools of the Polytechnic of Lisbon, celebrated the World Portuguese Language Day, through the dynamisation of diverse initiatives, the aim of which focused on promoting the language that unites us in different domains.

On the day 4, proceeded in the Higher School of Social Communication a conversation with Marco Neves  (The languages that speaks our language), dynamized by Jorge Trindade and Rita Tapproach Duarte. Various themes were addressed, among which the history of the Portuguese language, influence of other languages and linguistic deviations.

As early as the day 5, in the library of the Higher Education School of Education, the students of the 1 th year of the undergraduate in Basic Education have dined stories for the children of the Children's Garden No. 1 of Benfica, highlighting the importance of this early contact with language and with literature for childhood. On the same day, Paulo Feytor Pinto was in charge of the conference Challenges of the Portuguese language in the CPLP: pluricentrism and plurilingualism, in which it reinforced the relevance of valuing linguistic diversity. In the workshop "At once by all-tips to avoid frequent Portuguese mistakes", Ana Boléo presented, in the form of gambling, some deviations more frequently committed in the media and in society at large, explaining to their causes and proposing the correction. In this session, the students were still given the opportunity to clarify some linguistic doubts.

At the Superior Institute of Accounting and Administration of Lisbon, the academic and scientific writing Seminar in Portuguese language, dynamised by Margarida Piteira and Maria João Ferro, took place, and the specificities of language use were highlighted in a given context.

The celebrations ended with the fourth session of the LeReduca Reading Club, which was attended by a Portuguese-speaking author, Norberto Morais. Several of his works and the writing process that accompanied his creation were addressed.

The various events, which have counted on the participation of the IPL community, contributed to promoting reflection around the Portuguese language, valuing it in its unity and diversity.

Text of Antónia Star / CLiC IPL

