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EXPO-GREEN started in May 2020 and intended to contribute to the microorganism’s occupational exposure assessment of waste management workers.
The School of Health Technology - Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (IPL-ESTeSL) and the National Institute of Occupational Health of Norway (STAMI) collaborate on a bilateral initiative, funded by the EEA Grants, namely “Exposure and health effects of bioaerosols in green professions - EXPO-Green”.

Two sampling campaigns were performed in the waste management industry in Norway and analysed by IPL-ESTeSL team. The obtained information will be useful to support future regulatory measures aimed at minimizing occupational exposure and, consequently, occupational diseases.

Projeto EXPO-GREEN: colheita de amostras ambientais em indústria de gestão de resíduos analisadas
Sampling campaign performed at one of the waste management industries assessed


Samples analyses performed at Microbiology laboratory from IPL-ESTeSL
Samples analyses performed at Microbiology laboratory from IPL-ESTeSL


Two seminars were hold in the facilities of each partner, one in Portugal and the other in Norway, aiming to clarify the goals and expected results of the initiative as well as to foster new research projects between them.


Seminar held in STAMI (left) and in IPL-ESTeSL (right)
Seminar held in STAMI (left) and in IPL-ESTeSL (right)


Financing and Partner of EXPO-GREEN