The 12 th international conference "On The Image" of the Common Ground Research Network, elapses, in the Presidency Services, between 13 and September 14, having the IPL as host. With the theme "Picture a Pandemic: The Visual Construction of Meaning in Digital Networks", the initiative takes place in a presential fashion and through a streaming platform developed by the network. In the opening session coube to Paulo Morais-Alexandre, pro-president of the IPL for the Arts, welcome the participants, on behalf of the institution.

This edition of the conference held by the Common Ground Research Network, builds on a hybrid model, with participation, presential, of about two dozen participants, coming from various countries and over a hundred through a platform own.

Cátia Rijo, lecturer of the Superior School of Education in Lisbon in the field of Visual Arts Technologies and Multimedia, conducted the proceedings of the conference, as the chair of the "The Image Research Network", paper that assumes this 2019.

In the opening session, Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Chief Social Scientist, referred to the conference participants as "pioneers of the new world", by the fact that they have allowed to realize the initiative, in a safe way, by promoting, again, the encounter between people, albeit, in pandemic context.
Believing in a change of behaviors brought about by the pandemic crisis, namely from the point of view of environmental concerns, the Common Ground Research Network has bet on building a platform for event realization, which allows to flexibilize the participation of the network members who choose not to be presentially.

Of the two days of program of the conference, take part, several plenary sessions, with the participation of Catarina Moura, lecturer at the University of the Beira Interior and Dora Santos-Silva, lecturer at the University Nova de Lisboa. In parallel, in the Arts-Polytechnic Space of Lisbon, it is possible to visit a pop-up exhibition where are patents work available online and in print.
The Image Research Network, defined as more than a professional organization, joins professors, researchers and professionals from the area. The network, which brings together common interests around the nature and functions of creation and image in yes itself, was founded in 2010. Of the activities developed to highlight the annual conference, which consists of an interdisciplinary forum based on four pillars: internationalism, interdisciplinarity, inclusion and interaction.
Images of DB/GCI IPL
Flickr photos from the Picture a Pandemic: The Visual Construction of Meaning in Digital Networks album.
See on flickr