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Elmano Margato na assinatura do protocolo

With the aim of  valuing training in the framework of the Performative Arts, the Superior School of Dance of the Polytechnic of Lisbon (ESD-IPL) offers, from the school year 2021/2022, the  Mestrado in Choreographic Creation and Professional Practices, which aims to provide the deepening of choreographic creation competencies, in the specialties of choreography, interpretation and artistic mediation in dance, to different contexts, audiences, and communities.

This formative offer presents a proposal differentiator, based on the assumptions of European higher education from dance and in a set of strategic partnerships, which enable students to be close to the spaces and structures of presentation and artistic creation.

The  master's launch session in Choreographic creation and Professional Practices took place on July 16 from 2021, in the  National Museum of Theatre and Dance, and coincided with the signing of a protocol of cooperation between the Polytechnic of Lisbon and EGEAC, which together aim to promote the deepening of choreographic creation skills. They have marked attendance at this session the President of the Polytechnic of Lisbon, Professor Elmano Margato; the Director of the Higher School of Dance, Dr. Samuel Rego; the Director of the National Museum of Theatre and Dance, Dr. José Carlos Alvarez; Dr. Isabel Niny, of the Office of the City Hall of Culture of the City of Lisbon; Dr. Francisco Frazão, Artistic Director of the High Neighborhood Theater; and the Coordinator of the new ESD master's degree, Professor Madalena Xavier.

The Artistic Residences of the Master's degree will happen at the High-EGEAC Neighborhood Theatre and the Victor Cordon-OPART Studios. For the pursuit of internships in the specialty of interpretation, there are cooperation protocols with:

  • Balletheater
  • Body Builders | Rafael Alvarez-Cultural Association
  • Layer-Choreographic Association
  • Compagnie Illicite-Bayonne
  • Company Clara Andermatt
  • Contemporary Dance Company
  • Unstable Dance Company
  • Company Unstable
  • Company Olga Roriz
  • Company Paulo Ribeiro-Cultural Association
  • Portuguese Company of Contemporary Bailado
  • Dance in Dialogues-Cultural Association
  • Studio 13-Space of Creative Industries
  • League-Plural Dance Company
  • Group Dancing with the Difference
  • Experimental Group of Dance-Queen's Dental Dance School
  • Own Name-Cultural Association
  • Quorum Ballet

The study plan of the  Master's degree in Choreographic Creation and Professional Practices  includes  6 Regular Programs, which promote a continued acquisition of the knowledge of the theoretical domain;  6 Intensive Programs, to foment the development of artistic and creative skills in the form of  Artistic Residences; and still, a  research artistic research work. The focus of this formative offering will be the development of specific skills arising from the various professional practices, which structure different domains of choreographic creation and which take place, in contemporaneity, as fundamental pillars for artistic and cultural development.  

The applications for the 1ª Edition of the Master's in Choreographic Creation and Professional Practices arise between July 19 and September 2, 2021.

More information 

Text by Ana Raposo
Pro-President for Strategic Communication

